We shot our Indiegogo video today! And a special announcement…

As you might have heard we have been planning on running an Indiegogo campaign for a while.  This will be a great way to raise some awareness about who we are and what we’re trying to accomplish.  Not only will this video be great publicity but we could also raise some money which is pretty cool too.  Having a successful campaign legitimizes your market and shows a proof of concept.  In other words, we can go to investors and show them we aren’t crazy and that there is a community of people ready to support us.  Making this campaign a success is kind of a big deal.

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Today we met up with Jena’s cousin Paul to shoot our Indiegogo video.  Paul and his wife Kelly run Central Studios together shooting videos and photography for weddings, businesses, or whatever the occasion might be.  In this case we were shooting a crowd funding video for Indiegogo and Paul was all over it.

We met up at The Estate On Second in downtown Santa Ana around 10am this morning.  The owner’s of the building are currently renovating but allowed us to use the upstairs.  We brought our chairs along and found a nice little nook by a window where Paul set up his gear.

us at estate on second

I gotta admit, Jena and I were nervous at first.  How often are you in front of a video camera?  We felt the pressure a bit but didn’t fold and delivered some Oscar worthy performances.  Haha…YA RIGHT!  We weren’t shining like stars in Hollywood but we pulled through.  Paul was great at directing the flow of what we were talking about and giving us ideas.

When we were done shooting the interview segments we headed over to Beach City Brewery where Glenn and his crew allowed us to shoot some beer porn.  We got some cool shots of beer being poured for what Paul called, “B-Roll,” whatever that means.  We had never been there before and jumped on the opportunity to taste some local brew.  Their Hang 5 IPA and PCH Pale Ale turned out to be my favorites.

paul at beach city

All in all it was a successful day and we can’t wait to see the finished product.  As soon as it’s done we’ll be blasting it everywhere and we hope you all can spread the word or contribute to our dream.

Oh and what’s the special announcement you ask?

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Yepp that’s right.  We’re pregnant!  Jena is due on July 27th.  So unfortunately for her she won’t be going to tastings or bottle shares with me for a while but that’s okay.  And I thought I was motivated to get this business off the ground before, right?
